Welcome! I am the Bell Tower of the Church of Santa Sofia, founded in 1453 by Dioniso Mazza, known as ‘the Greek’, a refugee from Constantinople. I stand majestically beside the Church of Santa Sofia, considered one of the tallest bell towers in the Cilento region. Recently renovated, you can now admire me in all my architectural beauty.

History and Architecture

My construction has made the Church of St Sophia, the patron saint of Piano, bigger and more beautiful, fulfilling the expectations of the local faithful and those from other countries. Proud to have been erected next to the Mother Church, I can be seen in my solemnity in the Piazza di Santa Sofia, with a characteristic facade of exposed stone, created by local craftsmen.

The Square of St Sophia

Originally, the small square was very small. Recently, some houses were demolished to create a large space, overlooked by a beautiful mural that I can contemplate from above. This space, which resembles an open-air theatre, fills up with people on 30 September to celebrate St Sophia. It is also used for plays, concerts, conferences and as the centre of the ‘Il Pennello D’Oro’ event.

Devotion and Tradition

The community of Piano has always nurtured a great devotion to Saint Sophia, an irreplaceable point of reference for the people of Piano. The Saint’s name is present in many human events of this people and has been invoked many times to put an end to the evils that have afflicted the inhabitants over the centuries. Many families have the custom of naming a daughter after the Saint, making this name common among the inhabitants of Piano.

Evolution of the Bell Tower

Originally, I was not as tall as I am today: I was only elevated in 1923, when a weight clock was installed, visible through the various open dials in my tower. Since ancient times, my bells have marked time for the people with touches four times a day: in the morning, at noon for lunch, at vespers and at Ave Maria. The sound of my bells can be heard as far as Santoianni and Gioi Castle. In the past, I had a dome with a large iron cross, which was knocked down by lightning. In 1939, the dome was replaced by a terrace.

A Landmark for the Community

From my height, I dominate the whole village and am a reference point for the community. Every day, I see people walk past me and look at me with admiration and respect, like little Rosalinda, who every morning, accompanied by her grandmother, goes to catch the school bus. I know that I am a secret, silent friend for her, to whom she entrusts her dreams and wishes for the future.

The Future of the Bell Tower

I hope to be a fundamental presence in the future as well, a symbol of the country and a protective and vigilant presence. I am proof and hope of what is and what can be a community cohesive around its roots and its destiny.

Author of the drawing: Rosalinda Errico, 11 years old.

Project coordinators: Domenica and Ornella Mastrogiovanni, Adele Missano

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