The Church of San Felice Martire is located in the heart of Orria and is dedicated to San Felice da Nola, the patron saint and protector of the community. Built by the monks of the Convent of St Augustine between 1505 and 1562, it stands in the Torre area. Originally, there was a cemetery around the church and under its foundations, and it has been renovated several times over the centuries.

Architecture and Art

A highlight of the church is the large painting in the centre of the ceiling, depicting a religious scene with the Madonna, God, Jesus, angels and saints. The church bell tower is one of the oldest in Cilento, probably erected on the remains of a square Longobard tower, from which the area takes its name.

The ‘Largo San Felice’ square

In front of the church is the ‘Largo San Felice’ square, once used as a threshing floor for threshing grain. Today, the square hosts open-air masses during festivities, festivals organised by young people, children’s games and the famous Sagra dei Fichi, known as Ficoscia, which takes place every late August.

The Sound of Bells

The church bells, called the ‘voice of the village’, have punctuated the life of the community for centuries. Until recently, a siren on the bell tower also sounded at 5:00, 8:30, 12:00 and 17:00, regulating the inhabitants’ day.

The Miracle of San Felice

A legend very dear to the community concerns a miracle performed by Saint Felix. In the past, when Orria produced a lot of wheat, men’s failure to observe the festive rest led God to make the fertile land uncultivated. St Felix saved the population from starvation by bringing in merchants with carts full of grain, paid for with his precious ring. This ring, kept as a church treasure, testifies to the deep devotion to the saint.

Festivities and Processions

Devotion to Saint Felix is celebrated twice a year: on 14 January, the day dedicated to the saint, and on the second Sunday in August, so that people who have returned for their summer holidays can participate. The August procession is a traditional event, characterised by the devout participation of those who carry the heavy statues up and down the village.

A Heritage of Faith and Culture

The Church of San Felice Martire represents a spiritual, cultural and social capital of irreplaceable value for the community of Orria. Its history and faith live on through the generations, welcoming and embracing the lives of the men, women and children of the village.

Author Drawing: Jago Mastrogiovanni, 8 years old.

Project coordinators: Domenica and Ornella Mastrogiovanni, Adele Missano

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